Inspire Sleep Apnea Treatment Alternatives

What Is Inspire Sleep Apnea Treatment?

How to sleep your way to good health and improve your immune system

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when breathing is repeatedly stopped and started due to a narrowed or closed airway. As the throat muscles relax, the airway closes, limiting the oxygen intake to the lungs. The brain senses a drop in the oxygen levels and arouses or wakes the sleeper, causing the airway to open.

People who are exhausted, even though they were in bed all night. In addition to daytime tiredness and irritability, people with sleep apnea are at higher risk for stroke, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and liver problems.

The gold standard treatment is the CPAP machine. But it doesn’t work for everyone. It can be inconvenient and uncomfortable. In addition, there is maintenance and it is not aesthetically pleasing.

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Inspire Device

About Inspire

The Inspire device monitors your breathing while you sleep and opens your airway. It is for those with moderate sleep apnea who are 22 years or older and not significantly obese. You control the device, which is surgically implanted, with a handheld remote.

How Inspire Sleep Apnea Treatment Works

Those who qualify for Inspire have a minor outpatient procedure. The physician implants the small nerve stimulator device and battery pack under the skin in the chest. One electronic lead, or wire, connects the device to the nerve that stimulates the tongue.

The other lead connects to a space in the ribs near the diaphragm. Once connected, the device monitors the patient’s breathing. The device sends an impulse to the tongue during every breath while sleeping, keeping the airway open for oxygen.

After the procedure, patients wait for 30 days to heal. Then they return to the physician, who activates the device. Once activated, patients can use a handheld remote control device to turn Inspire on before they go to sleep each night. They can also pause, and turn it off in the morning. The battery pack is designed to last 7-10 years, much like a pacemaker.

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Follow Up For Inspire Sleep Treatment Therapy

Approximately 1 month after device implantation, patients return for device education and activation. The impulse generator is controlled via a hand-held remote.

Patients are advised to use the device nightly and slowly self-titrate the stimulation level over a limited range for one month.

Polysomnography, to formally stimulate parameters, occurs approximately two months after implantation. Hours-of-use information can be collected during device interrogation at follow-up visits

How Is The Inspire Sleep Treatment Done ?

With only the remote to keep track of, this treatment is so much more convenient than the CPAP machine. There are no hoses or masks to clean or maintain. It’s not uncomfortable or unappealing to wear. It’s also much better for patients who travel frequently.

Inspire Sleep Apnea Implantation Process
NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center Is First in New York to  Offer New Alternative Treatment for Sleep Apnea | Newsroom | Weill Cornell  Medicine

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The implantation is done under general anesthesia using three small incisions under the chin, below the collar bone and along the side of the chest below the ribs. About four weeks after the implantation, the device will be activated followed by a post-operative sleep study to assure proper stimulation.

Serious implant-related complications are very rare and occur in less than 1 percent of patients. Bruising and tingling along the tongue are usually temporary and resolve within weeks.

Benefits of Inspire Sleep Apnea Therapy:

How to Pronounce unobstructive - American English - YouTube

The Inspire implantable device does not interfere with your daily life, such as exercising, working, and eating, and you won’t have the chance to roll out any eccentric developments to your own eating regime, either.

Apart from being small, it is also implanted into your body and easily controlled by small a handheld remote, which means you won’t need all that extra space for a bulky CPAP machine or go through the hassle of putting it away when you wake up every morning.

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New UW app can detect sleep apnea events via smartphone | UW News

In the first year of your Inspire Sleep device implantation, your physician will want to see you periodically, once every several months. However, upon confirmation that the device is working properly and there are no side-effects, you will need to have a checkup once every year.

The battery of the Inspire Sleep device will last around 10 years, after which your remote control will show you signals that the battery is low. You will need to see your physician in order to replace the battery, which is a short and easy procedure.

The battery on your remote is a standard, 9-Volt battery which can be easily replaced.

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Simple to Use

The Inspire device can be used effortlessly at night and before sleep as it is activated with just the click of a button on your remote control. It is easy to use at home, on your travels, or anywhere else you may need to sleep or grab a quick nap.

It is easily controlled even by patients with physical and mental disabilities, as it does not require intricate calibration, setting up and putting away like its CPAP machine counterpart.

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Risks of Having The Sleep Apnea Inspire Sleep Therapy


Unlike the other sleep apnea treatments, the Inspire gadget is embedded under the skin of your neck and chest, so it will need an invasive medical process. You may also experience low-level discomfort after it is implanted. However, although requiring an invasive implantation procedure, the invasiveness is minimal, as it requires only three tiny entry points.

Battery Replacement

Although the battery life of the Inspire device is incredible, lasting up to 10 years, the battery will still require an invasive procedure under local anesthesia when it starts to run out.

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MRI support

Some versions of the Inspire device are not compatible with MRI scans. That means that you may not be able to get an MRI scan for other potential health issues due to a high risk of bodily harm to the tissue surrounding the device. However, the most recent version of the Inspire – the Inspire 3028 – is made to be entirely compatible with MRI scans provided that your doctor follows specific guidelines, which means you can attend your health checkups undisturbed.

Inspire Sleep Apnea Treatment Cost

Even though CPAP machines and similar machines range from $1,900 to $4,500, the Inspire implantation device alone, without the cost of the implantation, costs over $20,000.

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Luckily, there are more than 100 health insurance companies that provide subsidies for Inspire implantation, while several Medicare contractors have recently announced that Medicare will be covering Inspire costs in the states covered by the contractors.

While it comes with both pros and cons, the Inspire Sleep apnea treatment is gaining popularity in the medical circles as a safe and effective alternative to CPAP machines and other conventional sleep apnea treatments. Both you and your physician will have to decide if Inspire Sleep is suitable for you.

*The Best Inspire Sleep Apnea Treatment Alternatives*

Sleep Position

Can Positional Therapy Help Treat Some Patients with Central Sleep Apnea? |  Sleep Review

The Four Best Sleep Positions:

In addition to treatment from a CPAP machine or other device, you can also make a few changes to your daily life that can have a big impact on the severity of your sleep apnea.

The four best sleeping positions to improve sleep apnea are:

  1. On your left side.
  2. On your right side.
  3. On your belly.
  4. On your back, but only with your head elevated.

Sleep apnea is often worse in the supine (on your back) position because of gravity. The tongue falls back and blocks the airway, so sleeping on your side may improve sleep apnea and symptoms. Sleeping on your side or on your stomach position may lessen or even eliminate snoring and apnea in many cases.

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Weighed Blankets

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Alleviates anxiety induced insomnia:

Cortisol is referred to as the stress hormone, which is produced when you are feeling stressed out. Our body produces this stress hormone when we are feeling nervous, anxious, or irritated. The problem is that when you have anxiety, this can lead to many sleepless nights, which can lead to insomnia. What happens is that your cortisol levels remain high, disrupting your sleep.

The combination of anxiety and insomnia may have a huge effect on your health. However, it may be alleviated with the use of a weighted blanket heavy on your body as it has been found to stimulate your feel-good hormones called dopamine; hence, potentially reducing cortisol levels in your body. 

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Improves sleep quality:
Are You Getting Quality Sleep? - SPD

Those who have sensory issues or insomnia find themselves unable to get a restful sleep. One study that was published in the Journal of Sleep Medicine and Disorders showed that the use of a heavy blanket prevented the participant from moving around, which improved their sleep. 

Promotes melatonin production:

Melatonin is a type of hormone that is known for promoting sleep and even helping with regulating our sleep cycle, or circadian rhythm. It appears that melatonin is linked to serotonin where, when it is triggered by the weight of a heavy weighted blanket, also causes melatonin to be produced.

What Is A Weighted Blanket

Sleep Routine

To make these sleep hygiene improvements more approachable, we’ve broken them into four categories:

  • Creating a Sleep-Inducing Bedroom
  • Optimizing Your Sleep Schedule
  • Crafting a Pre-Bed time Routine
  • Fostering Pro-Sleep Habits During the Day

In each category, you can find specific actions that you can take to make it easier to fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up well-rested.

Air Purifier

Air purifiers on sale: HEPA filters for cleaner air in your home

There are a number of ways to reduce your exposure to allergens and other pollutants in your bedroom, as well as tips for reducing your exposure to outdoor air pollution.

  • Reduce your outdoor exposure: Check local air quality reports on and plan your activities, especially when air pollution is especially severe.
  • Vacuum and dust often: Allergens and particulate matter often hide in dust making it easy for them to settle into your home. One effective solution is to use a HEPA vacuum and a microfiber dust rag on a weekly basis to manage dust levels in your bedroom.
  • Close bedroom windows: Use your air conditioning system instead of opening windows if you have allergies, or if you live near a freeway/areas of high traffic pollution. Pollen and damaging outdoor particulate matter can drift inside your home easily, so it is best to limit your exposure in the area where you sleep.
  • Change HVAC filters on time: When you do not change your filters on time, it can cause the air system to become less effective in protecting your air quality. It is best to change your filter every 30 days.
  • Use an air purifier: An air purifier can help reduce levels of indoor air pollutants in your home and bedroom. Unlike traditional air purifiers that simply trap pollutants on filters

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improve Bed Sheets & Mattress

Sleep Apnea: New Treatment Options You Should Know About

For those with Sleep Apnea, and Acid Reflux, one of the main things to consider when selecting bedding to help manage symptoms, is proper elevation.

Our Sleep And Beyond Pillow & Bedding is specially designed to raise the angle at which you sleep, all the while providing cushioned comfort throughout the night.

To make sure that your sheets fit properly, we recommend our 18″ or 21″ MyMeriano Pillow & Comforter

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Diet & Excersie

Tongue Exercises for Sleep Apnea - 3 Simple Tongue Exercises for Sleep Apnea  | Easy workouts, Sleep apnea, Apnea

Sleep specialists recommend focussing on neck and legs when doing apnea cure exercises. These areas are inclined to fluid accumulation, thus creating pressure on surrounding vessels and the blood flow.

Keeping to a plant-based diet for sleep apnea will be a great idea. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and cereal are the sources of nutrients that give you long-term saturation and don’t take much energy to process.

If you can’t imagine life without meat, choose poultry and fish over beef and pork as they’re easier to digest. 

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Inspire therapy is for people who:

  • Have been diagnosed with moderate to severe OSA with an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) between 20-65
  • Struggle with or cannot get consistent benefit from CPAP treatment
  • Are not significantly overweightTalk to your doctor about risks, benefits and expectations associated with Inspire therapy. Risks associated with the surgical implant procedure are low but may include infection and temporary tongue weakness. Most patients acclimate well to the presence of the Inspire system and to the therapeutic stimulation. Some patients may require post implant adjustments to the system’s settings in order to improve effectiveness and ease acclimatization.
  •  Thanks For Reading ! Some links may contain affiliate offers that help me to make a living ! Check out my other posts on: PTSD & Sleep Apnea

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